Wednesday, November 21, 2007

'A' Day

'A' Day was November 19th. "A" stands for adoption, when i finally became Tamra's official dad, after spending the last 11 years doing it unofficially. It was very cool. Linda, Jenny, (Tamras' sister), Linda and I presented ourselves before the judge at Pleasanton courthouse and signed the final papers to make it all legit. Nothing really changes at home, she still makes a mess and I still ask her to fix it. But now she is a member of the Birch family, which has to be a good thing!
Thanks Tamra for letting me be your dad.

1 comment:

TreBone said...

HOO-RAH!!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GAZ!! and yes, the caps are there for a reason because im THAT happy for you.