Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Alarm clock thunder

Tamra has an alarm clock. Wait, lets get a little more descriptive.

It's called the Sonic Boom.......does that help.

Not only is the alarm sound a variable horn blast that can wake the dead, but it also has a vibtration device that you shove under the pillow and it shakes so violently that if your not well anchored it will bounce you outta bed.

And would you believe she still does not get up in time....she can actually snooze thru it. And she forgets to turn the alarm off on weekends, so we get rudely awakened on sundays at 07:00

I'm thinking of some sort of water dispenser to get her moving. i won't make me very popular, but then again I not anyway, so not much to loose

Tamra, you readin' this.....

1 comment:

TreBone said...

my daughters would wake up outside on the grass...with their alarm clock.